
Hello to anyone who has found this Carrd! I hope that it is educational for you, whether you know someone who uses it/its pronouns, are considering using them yourself, or even if you simply want to learn more about these pronouns!

Why would someone want to use it/its pronouns?

There are many reasons, but here are the most common:

1. Someone may want to reclaim them, as these pronouns have a history of being used against many minorities, such as trans people, people of colour, and neurodivergent people.
2. They may not feel quite right being referred to with other pronouns such as he/him, she/her, or they/them, and this may be the closest thing for them. (This reason only applies to people who use it/its pronouns exclusively.)

3. It just sounds cool to say! Some people don't need a reason to use it, they might just like how it feels.

Not everybody feels as if it/its pronouns are derogatory to them, and that's okay! even if you don't quite understand why someone might want to use them, it's important to still accept them nonetheless, and to try and use the correct pronouns on them. of course, this isn't an excuse to use it/its pronouns on people who don't want those pronouns used on them, and you should keep in mind that most people still find it/its pronouns offending when used on them.

How do i use it/its pronouns?

Just like how you would use them on an object, or an animal. here are some examples:

This morning, it went to the park.
I went with it.
And it brought its frisbee.
at least I think it was its.
by the end of the day, it started throwing the frisbee to itself.

It has a wonderful personality.
That smile of its really makes me happy.
I could talk to it all day although It doesn't talk about itself much.
I wonder if its day has been wonderful.

it seems pretty cool, I might talk to it.
I like its hair, do you think it styled it itself?
I heard that outfit of its belongs to its great-grandmother.

if you need practice using them, then you can check out this website: https://www.practicewithpronouns.com/#/?pronouns%5Bsubject%5D=it&pronouns%5Bobject%5D=it&pronouns%5Bpossessiveadjective%5D=its&pronouns%5Bpossessivepronoun%5D=its&pronouns%5Breflexive%5D=itself&numericity=singular&_k=1ynypj


Hey, thanks for checking out this Carrd! I was writing an email to my teacher telling her about my gender identity and pronouns, and I realized that most of the articles on it/its pronouns didn't have much information. the first thing that came to mind was to make one myself! so now here it is, a Carrd that will hopefully help people understand it/its pronouns. finally, I would like to give some shout-outs to the people who helped make this. first, I would like to thank my mother, for making me realize that I liked it/its pronouns. second, I would like to thank my friends, for respecting my pronouns and understanding me. next, I would like to thank my teacher for making a school environment where I can safely come out, and for being the reason for me making this Carrd in the first place. lastly, I would like to thank the Carrd team for making a platform for me to make this. without all of these people, I would not be making this Carrd today.